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gammabron FSG60 - radiometrische meting

Radiometrische niveau- en
gammabron FSG60

Gammastralingsbron (137Cs) voor radiometrische niveaudetectie, niveau-, dichtheids- en interfacemeting

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8 documenten
    • Technische informatie (TI)

    TI Radiation sources FSG60 and FSG61

    • Technische informatie (TI)
    Engelse versie - 10/2024
    New version available in English

    Radiometric level measurement

    • Speciale documentatie (SD)

    QGx, FQGx, FSG6x

    • Speciale documentatie (SD)
    Engelse versie - 06/2020
    New version available in English

    Returns: Source containers, gamma radiation sources

    • Speciale documentatie (SD)

    SD IEC 61406-1

    • Speciale documentatie (SD)
    Engelse versie - 04/2023
    New version available in English

    Automatic identification of physical objects

    • Speciale documentatie (SD)

    Handling Instructions for Radioactive Sources

    • Speciale documentatie (SD)
    Engelse versie - 01/2021
    New version available in English

    Handling Instructions
    Definitions, Safety and Handling Instructions for Radioactive Sources
    and Radioactive Solutions

    • White paper (WP)

    Whitepaper - Radiometric Solutions

    • White paper (WP)
    Engelse versie - 11/2017
    New version available in English

    Technologies for Desalters

    • Explosieveiligheid

    Product family: Cerabar M, Cerabar S, Deltabar M, Deltabar S, Deltapilot M, Deltapilot S, Gammapilot, Gammapilot M, Levelflex, Liqui cap M, Liquiphant, Liquiphant FailSafe, Liquiphant M, Liquiphant S, Micropilot, Solicap M, Strahlenschutzbehälter, Strahler

    • Explosieveiligheid
    Duitse versie - 10/2020
    New version available in English

    Product root: FMB50-, FMB51-, FMB52-, FMB53-, FMB70-, FMD77-, FMD78-, FMG50-, FMG60-, FMI51-, FMI52-, FMP50-, FMP51-, FMP52-, FMP53-
    , FMP54-, FMP55-, FMP56-, FMP57-, FMR50-, FMR51-, FMR52-, FMR53-, FMR54-, FMR56-, FMR57-, FMR60-, FMR62-, FMR67-, FQG60-, FQG62-, FS
    G60-, FSG61-, FTI51-, FTI52-, FTI55-, FTI56-, FTL41-, FTL50-, FTL50H-, FTL51-, FTL51B-, FTL51C-, FTL51H-, FTL70-, FTL71-, FTL80-, FT
    L81-, FTL85-, PMC51-, PMC71-, PMD55-, PMD75-, PMP51-, PMP55-, PMP71-, PMP75-
    Region: Europe
    Approval agency: BV
    Protection: Ex i

    • Explosieveiligheid

    Product family: Cerabar M, Cerabar S, Deltabar M, Deltabar S, Deltapilot M, Deltapilot S, Gammapilot, Gammapilot M, Levelflex, Liqui cap M, Liquiphant, Liquiphant FailSafe, Liquiphant M, Liquiphant S, Micropilot, Solicap M, Strahlenschutzbehälter, Strahler

    • Explosieveiligheid
    Engelse versie - 07/2022
    New version available in English

    Product root: FMB50-, FMB52-, FMB53-, FMB70-, FMD77-, FMD78-, FMG50-, FMG60-, FMI51-, FMI52-, FMP50-, FMP51-, FMP52-, FMP53-, FMP54-
    , FMP55-, FMP56-, FMP57-, FMR50-, FMR51-, FMR52-, FMR53-, FMR54-, FMR56-, FMR57-, FQG60-, FQG62-, FSG60-, FTG20-, FTI51-, FTI52-, FT
    I55-, FTI56-, FTL50-, FTL50H-, FTL51-, FTL51B-, FTL51C-, FTL51H-, FTL70-, FTL71-, FTL80-, FTL81-, FTL85-, PMC51-, PMC71-, PMD55-, PM
    D75-, PMP51-, PMP55-, PMP71-, PMP75-
    Region: International
    Approval agency: BV
    Protection: Ex i

    • Metrologie

    Product family: Gammapilot, Strahlenschutzbehälter, Strahler, Accessory radiometry

    • Metrologie
    Russische versie - 10/2021
    New version available in English

    Product root: FHG65-, FHG66-, FMG50-, FQG60-, FQG61-, FQG62-, FQG63-, FQG66-, FSG60-, FSG61-
    Region: Kazakhstan
    Approvalagency: KazStandard
    Approval number: 1254
    Metrology type: Metrology